两加拿大男子机上形迹可疑 圣多明各机场被拘







Jan. 5, 2004. 07:24 PM
2 Canadian plane passengers held as terror suspects

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) ― Two Canadian men have been detained for possible links to terrorism after acting strangely aboard a flight from France to the Dominican Republic, authorities said today.

The two were detained after Air Europa Flight 89 landed in Santo Domingo on Sunday night, said Gen. Fernando Cruz Mendez, director of National Investigations. They have not been charged and authorities did not find any weapons, Cruz said.

“They acted very nervous on board,” he said. “They went in and out of the bathrooms, including a few times together.”

He did not say why Dominican authorities suspected the men had possible links to terrorist activities.

The flight’s crew reported the behaviour to Dominican authorities who were waiting for the plane when it landed at Las Americas International Airport in the capital. The men will be detained until authorities complete their investigation, Cruz said.

Air Europe’s manager in Santo Domingo, Margarita Falla, declined comment on the incident.

Under questioning, the two men said they did not know each other, Cruz said. But detectives concluded that the two were travelling together and bought their tickets at the same time and place, Cruz said, without providing specifics.

The two had never been to the Dominican Republic before and were carrying small carry-on bags, authorities said. Santo Domingo was their final destination, Cruz said.

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