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I don’t know where you are, what you are doing this moment, but I do know you are listening to me. Although Mommy and Daddy have suffered so much without being with you, I know that you have gone through even more.

Cecilia, I’m so sorry about all that happened to you. I’m so worried about you. And one thing I can be sure is that Mommy and Daddy never hurt anybody and we always treat everybody so well, you know that, you do know that.

I believe whoever has got you will treat you nice and they will let you be back to me very soon.”

Cecilia, though we are physically apart, Mommy’s heart has never separated from you, not a moment, not a second. Wherever I go, whatever I do, you are here with me, you are here in my heart.

Cecilia, you asked me if I believe in God. Now I let you know, yes, my sweetheart, I do believe in God and I thank God if he will bless you. I love you so much my sweetheart, my sweetheart.

I think it’s very important Ceecee, Ceecee, close your eyes, take deep breath, think about your Mom. You can feel, we are kissing you.

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