
(星星生活记者捷克佳报导)多伦多警方正在调查发生在31日凌晨的入室抢劫强奸案,四名歹徒闯入据信是Humber College学生的住处,性侵犯两名年轻女子,并对该住处进行洗劫。

据多伦多新闻台680News报道,警方称这些歹徒手持枪支、利刃和大砍刀。警方正在房间内和Lynmont Road周围地区寻找证据。警方认为,这是一起随机性的攻击行为,受害者并不认识嫌犯。虽然嫌犯均戴着面具,但警方说,这几人的年龄应该均在20岁左右。警方在其后来发出的新闻稿中指这四名嫌疑犯均为黑人。


多伦多城市电视CP24的报道说,出事地点在多伦多市西北Finch Ave W与427高速公路附近的Lynmont Road,事发大约在凌晨12:50。四名蒙面歹徒携枪、砍刀和刀具突然闯入,当时有一男一女在家,两人均被袭击,并被胶带捆绑,嫌犯对该住宅进行洗劫。随后将女受害者拖入卫生间进行性侵犯。此时,另一名女子返家,也遭歹徒捆绑并被性侵犯。警方说,大量的财产被嫌犯掠夺走,嫌犯大约在房间内停留一个半小时。

警方提醒着一地区的居民锁好门窗,注意自身的安全。如果有任何消息,可以致电416-808-7350 或制止犯罪热线(Crime Stoppers)416-222-TIPS.


October 31, 2003 – 10:08 am


Corporate Communications

The Toronto Police Hold Up Squad, Sexual Assault Squad and 23 Division are investigating a home invasion that occurred on Lynmont Road in the North West End of the city in the early hours of Friday October 31, 2003. At 12:50 a.m., a male and a female, were at home at their address on Lymont Road when 4 masked suspects, armed with a handgun, a machete and a knife entered the home through an open door. Both the victims were assaulted and tied up with duct tape. The suspects then ransacked the house which consists of 4 different apartment style residences.

During the robbery the female victim was taken to a bathroom in the house and sexually assaulted by one of the suspects. The suspects remained in the house for approximately 1 and a half hours. During that time a 2nd female resident of the house returned to her home and was also tied up and sexually assaulted by the suspects. The suspects then removed a quantity of property from the residence and fled the area.

The suspects are described to police as:

1. Male black, 20yrs, 5’10”, thin build, wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and dark baggy pants. His face was covered with a bandana. Armed with a hunting knife.

2. Male Black, 5’7”, late teens to early 20s, dark hooded sweatshirt, dark pants, dark paisley bandana covering his face. Armed with handgun.

3. Male Black, 5’10”, medium build, early 20s, dark hooded sweatshirt, face covered with bandana. Armed with a machete.

4. Male black 6’2” slim build, wearing dark baggy clothing his face was covered with a black bandana.

Anyone with any information his asked to call the Hold Up Squad at 416-808-7350 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS.

This area of the city has a large student population attending local colleges and the police would like to make them aware of this occurrence and advise them to ensure that their doors locked at all times and take all safety precautions.

P.C. Shehara Valles for D.Sgt Wilf Townley and S/Insp. Stephen Harris

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