



来自加拿大湖南同乡会的消息说, 1990年以访问学者的身份赴加、长期在约克大学从事教学和研究工作,并在应用数学研究领域屡有成果的吴建宏说,人们总是认为数学是纯理论性的学问,与老百姓的生活似乎沾不上边,其实现代的科学理论与应用科学早已难分界限,可以说,稍加改变,就可以将纯理论的东西变成应用性的商品。





Dr. Jianhong Wu, Professor of Mathematics, is a recipient of Canada Research Chair in Applied Mathematics (Senior). This is one of the highest honors for Canadian research scientists and, as a personal letter from the Prime Minister Jean Chretien states, represents a special recognition that places him “in the finest tradition of Canadian Research Excellence”. His other honors include the prestigious Erdos Fellowship from the Hungarian Academy of Science and the Humboldt Fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany).

He received all of his education from Hunan University, and started his faculty appointment with York University in 1990. He has authored over 140 papers and 4 books in a number of scientific areas including dynamical systems, mathematical biology, neural networks and data analysis. He has been serving on the editorial boards of 7 international journals. He was a member of the Council for Canadian Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society, and is a member of College of Reviewers for Canada Research Chairs Program. He is also a member of the Grant Selection Committee of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, two of the national largest science funding agencies.
All of these achievements are due to his extraordinary effort to make the smooth transition from a scholar with all education gained from China to the leading position as a research scientists and to the administrative position as a formal Director of the Graduate Program in Mathematics and Statistics and a member of various executive committees at all levels of the university.
During his faculty position at York University, he supervised many graduate students, three most recent Chinese PhD students were awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships and all are holding academic positions in Canadian universities. He also hosted a large number of Chinese visiting scholars and has been facilitating collaboration in industrial and applied mathematics between Chinese and Canadian mathematical communities. He has been a member, sponsor and advisor of the Hunan Fellow Association of Canada since the association established.

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